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WOW WOW WOW, this looks great haven't even done a playthrough on my channel to share with the Twodays fam yet but i cant wait to share it with them, looks great well done DEV

I played this game on a stream and I must say, it was so much fun! The atmosphere that you created with this was so scary and effective. I was very interested in the story too, and genuinely hope you keep creating. Thanks so much for sharing!

This was such an imaginative take on what is quite a simple concept! 😊 Don’t want to spoil anything, but the realization towards the end was top notch! Keep up the great work! 👍 

If you’d like to see my play-through, please check out the link below 👇 



as scary as it was for only being made in 30 days. I wouldn’t be able to think how scary it would’ve been if you had more time. Amazing! 

This game was awesome! I did not expect to get that scared playing this lol..


Fantastic game, absolutely loved it! These are the kinds of games that aren't expected to be so scary but end up being incredibly intense. Great job on creating it, keep up the hard work...

Un videojuego dentro de un videojuego... sonidos perfectos que te hacen pensar que realmente estas en la habitación. graficos buenos. Tiene sustos. Gran juego! 

Woow great atmosphere

(5 edits) (-1)

Heres my gameplay:

Really enjoyed the premise of this here game. The meta scenario of playing a game within a game, while the game you are playing seemingly has a supernatural power to it, echoing the reactions happening right outside your bedroom door. The scenario did remind me of Sonic.exe, Mouse.avi as well as the fnaf minigames, but whether or not this was intended, I feel it was executed well and you did a good job of having me on the edge of my seat. Not really sure I have much negative to say. Its a well made game.

Jogo bem interessante, quase pulei da cadeira no primeiro susto.

Hello, I played this game and I absolutely loved it! It was fantastic. Great job!

Really good game, Scared me a little


Very interesting game and atmosphere.

Intense and really got to me at times! Nice short game! 

The horror elements are tastefully and appropriately placed in this game!



I enoiyed it thank you very much!

I have forgotten the feeling of despair and the feeling of dread a hole of chaos just open whence i open thy video game and i can say for certain that i have been spooked to my core.

Very good !!

Hey friends! I hope you enjoy the video as much as I enjoyed the game! 

such a great game. I was getting scared like crazy

This game was pretty damn good!!! GREAT job on the build up and jumpscares!!! (SKIP TO 21:27 FOR GAMEPLAY) 

Great build up and atmosphere! Loved this, really well done!

I love the concept and almost shat myself wit the first jumpscare


I absolutely loved this and the concept, i have played maybe two games prior to this to use this mechanic why its not more popular i will never know but you perfected it in this game and i absolutely love every bit of it, my only complaint, and maybe complaint is a harsh word as its more feedback, i feel the name of the game "replay" is pretty misleading, i could of swore down there had to be more to this game like secrets or like a mechanic in which if you continue to replay more details and more things would happen, but it was just the 1 ending, no secrets, and i feel you missed the opportunity to create something even more unique and brilliant, i thought it might play like for example Andy's apple farm, i really REALLY hope you are not done with this concept and there will be more to it because you are about the closest i have played to perfect the mechanic of playing a game in a game and i so hope to see more of this, fantastic though man well done 

Gran juego, me asuste al jugarlo.


That was so much scarier then i was expecting. Nice job! 

(1 edit) (+1)

For a short horror game I gotta say it was really awesome to play this, the graphics was beautifully made, the setting was superb and it really gave off the eerie and unsettling darkness and the scares did its job amazingly 

sorry not sorry for scaring you so haha! loved the video and your personality! so glad you liked the game and thank you for all of the nice compliments!

Legit SO good. Really unique and it scared the bejeebus outta me! (yours is the first game)


That was amazing, well done!

Good mix 2D and 3D horror game. 


Nice short game would love to play some of your other games 


This was an awesome little game! It very much felt like playing 2 games at once. The sounds were great, it had such a tense atmosphere! The ending was super fun. Here is my gameplay video!

I Loved this game so much!!

wow nice job

Absolutely AMAZING! This was such a unique horror game to come across, I really hope you keep expanding it.
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