I liked this, it had a spooky atmosphere and a lot of mystery. I enjoyed being able to explore the area and find clues. Taking photos with my phone for light seemed odd (why not use the flashlight?) but it was extremely effective, especially when other images flashed on the camera briefly. Ending 1/3 confused me a bit, and I wasn't able to get 3/3.
This was an interesting game, a little confusing but I liked it. Though if I had to change something it'd be the size of the text on the phone. I had to get right up to the monitor to see what the messages said.
This was a great atomsphere,I can definately see what you is ment by explore to see everything. One question why so many scooters! they are everywhere!! but great game keep it up.
thank you so much for the kind words, and for the scooter question, here in norway we have rental scooters that you unlock with an app and get a fee for the amount of minutes you have used it. These are everywhere in populated areas, and i wanted to use it as an effect to make it feel empty in a populated area.
This is really cool, well done. It's got a lot more to it than I expected. I especially like the soundtrack - I hope you make it available for download some day. Thanks for sharing your game! <3
I really liked this game! It took me much longer than it probably should've for me to find all three endings but I was determined not to google them and to find it out on my own. Once I had finished the game I realized how intrigued I was by the story and the atmosphere that you created. I'm really looking forward to your next game! I hope it expands upon this game and builds a more in-depth and larger storyline! But I do have one question, what's the name of that song "You're selfish, and there's nothing I can do to convince you..." I was playing through the playlist a lot during the later parts of my playthrough and that song got stuck in my head ahahahah, thanks for making an awesome game.
Sorry to jump in here but I agree with baphometofhell: Please release the song!!! Additionally, there was a rock-type instrumental song on the playlist that I really enjoyed. Hoping you'll consider releasing it too!!!
Awesome game man. Really well done, and all the secrets and stuff is top notch. I found it because of Markiplier, he just played it in 3 Scary games #76. I know the area is kinda small, but I really appreciated how open this game is, compared to other indie horror games. Good job dude.
I really liked this game. I think it had a great atmosphere and its scares were never cheesy (a trap many other horror games fall into sometimes). I especially liked the subtle ways you messed with the phone like the camera or the creepy music/recordings.
Honestly, the main reason I'm writing a comment, though, is that I've watched Mark and some others play this game and it really frustrated me that no one bothered to look for the other endings (Mark kind of did, but he didn't really put much thought behind it).
My guess is that if I found this frustrating then it must've probably been even worse for the developer to see so many people experience only a third of their game.
So I just want to say that I didn't find it confusing. I got Ending 3 first because I looked around everywhere, then I ignored everything and got Ending 1 and for Ending 2 I did a bit of both.
I also noticed that I've played your other game as well and I remember liking it quite a lot, too. You seem to put a lot of work into your games. They're both very different from each other stylistically but still unique, of high quality and full of little details (I assume the graffiti in the building is a nod to the first game?).
I'll definitely be looking forward to what you do next. :]
first of all, i heard that he had played the game through you, that was very hype. Second of all, thank you so much for that sweet nice comment, it really means a lot that you have found both my projects enjoyable. And yes its always a bit disheartening to see people not play the game for its full content, seeing how short the walk is, but i cant ask for more as it comes down to taste and patience. And yes that graffiti was a nudge lmao. Thank you again for such a heartwarming comment
This was super fun. There are so many games where the primary function is to just explore the area, so I love the creativity you took by adding the element of the phone and the snapping of photos. Even when I was lost, snapping photos and messing with the different phone functions kept me engaged. And the way you played with the lighting (contrasting the dark with the phone flash) in certain areas certainly made for a good jumpscare. Overall, my biggest note if I had to give feedback is that I felt a little as if I had no indication of where I should go and what I should explore, but the area was small enough that, were I to go back and play it again, I'm sure I could have figured out the way to the other endings. Other than that, you created a neat little "world" in this back alley, and it was a fun time. Thanks again for the experience. Please continue to create and looking forward to your future projects!
Thank you so much for playing the game, and a huge thank you for leaving some constructive feedback! it really helps on my journey of making better games! the video is great so keep up your good work too!
Really enjoyed the atmosphere and songs in the game! I would love to see you update and improve this further. Would definitely pay for a more polished version with a fleshed-out plot.
thank you so much for playing and the video, as much as it would be fun to polish it and make it look as good as it possibly can, I wanna take this experience further and create even better newer games in the future, thank you for the video and comment! keep up your great wor
I really enjoyed playing this game! The mechanics are unique and with a little polish I can see this becoming an amazing experience! Can't wait to see more from you!
Loved this game, but it was a journey to get the 3rd ending, lol!!!! Hoping you're planning to do more for this story!!! It left me with so many questions!!!!
My play through with all 3 endings (first video) is below, in case anyone is interested. The second video is my first attempt, but only with ending 2 of 3.
two videos on this one little silly game? im honored! its amazing seeing you dig in-depth trying to figure this puzzle out, and it was really entertaining watching too! keep up the good work!
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Super fun game, I enjoyed trying to find the different endings (even though I may not have gotten them all). Hope to see more from you dev!
Thank you a lot! and thank you for the video and sharing it! it was very enjoyable
thank you for the video and the comment! it was very enjoyable!
I like it =D. first game in video.
I just want one thing to make this game to unimaginable levels.. just the ost as a seperate file to download it's that genuinely good.
It's incredible how you managed to put so much content into such a small game! It's great!
This was an interesting game, a little confusing but I liked it. Though if I had to change something it'd be the size of the text on the phone. I had to get right up to the monitor to see what the messages said.
This game is like the one thing everyone dreads... someone following you and creeping you out the whole walk recommend it!
can you make it be played on chromebook plz
please, please drop the file of the "you're selfish" song, ive tried everything to get it but i can't and i really want that song!
This was a great atomsphere,I can definately see what you is ment by explore to see everything. One question why so many scooters! they are everywhere!! but great game keep it up.
thank you so much for the kind words, and for the scooter question, here in norway we have rental scooters that you unlock with an app and get a fee for the amount of minutes you have used it. These are everywhere in populated areas, and i wanted to use it as an effect to make it feel empty in a populated area.
Pinche JUEGAZO!!!, sin duda el final 3/3 fue el que mas me impacto. RECOMENDADIZIMO!!!
This is really cool, well done. It's got a lot more to it than I expected. I especially like the soundtrack - I hope you make it available for download some day. Thanks for sharing your game! <3
AWW!! I saw what the 3rd ending was I was so close to it!! OH WELL!! No big deal I got 2 endings 🤭😁👍
Only managed 2/3 endings, but enjoyed the 2 I managed to reveal!
Fantastic little project. Lots of nice details great atmosphere. The multiple endings keep you guessing too. Good Job
I really liked this game! It took me much longer than it probably should've for me to find all three endings but I was determined not to google them and to find it out on my own. Once I had finished the game I realized how intrigued I was by the story and the atmosphere that you created. I'm really looking forward to your next game! I hope it expands upon this game and builds a more in-depth and larger storyline! But I do have one question, what's the name of that song "You're selfish, and there's nothing I can do to convince you..." I was playing through the playlist a lot during the later parts of my playthrough and that song got stuck in my head ahahahah, thanks for making an awesome game.
thank you so much for the nice comment!
The song you are talking about is called “You’re selfish”
Its a song i made and sung a while back, but never released, might release it sometime i guess??
Please do! It's a really great song and I'd love to add it to my playlist as soon as possible! Do you have lots of unreleased music?
Sorry to jump in here but I agree with baphometofhell: Please release the song!!! Additionally, there was a rock-type instrumental song on the playlist that I really enjoyed. Hoping you'll consider releasing it too!!!
Awesome game man. Really well done, and all the secrets and stuff is top notch. I found it because of Markiplier, he just played it in 3 Scary games #76. I know the area is kinda small, but I really appreciated how open this game is, compared to other indie horror games. Good job dude.
Really enjoyed this one. Didn't find everything and struggled to find all the endings, but I thought it was good! Great work.
I really liked this game. I think it had a great atmosphere and its scares were never cheesy (a trap many other horror games fall into sometimes). I especially liked the subtle ways you messed with the phone like the camera or the creepy music/recordings.
Honestly, the main reason I'm writing a comment, though, is that I've watched Mark and some others play this game and it really frustrated me that no one bothered to look for the other endings (Mark kind of did, but he didn't really put much thought behind it).
My guess is that if I found this frustrating then it must've probably been even worse for the developer to see so many people experience only a third of their game.
So I just want to say that I didn't find it confusing. I got Ending 3 first because I looked around everywhere, then I ignored everything and got Ending 1 and for Ending 2 I did a bit of both.
I also noticed that I've played your other game as well and I remember liking it quite a lot, too. You seem to put a lot of work into your games. They're both very different from each other stylistically but still unique, of high quality and full of little details (I assume the graffiti in the building is a nod to the first game?).
I'll definitely be looking forward to what you do next. :]
first of all, i heard that he had played the game through you, that was very hype. Second of all, thank you so much for that sweet nice comment, it really means a lot that you have found both my projects enjoyable. And yes its always a bit disheartening to see people not play the game for its full content, seeing how short the walk is, but i cant ask for more as it comes down to taste and patience. And yes that graffiti was a nudge lmao. Thank you again for such a heartwarming comment
Definitely intrigued about the other endings! Super creepy and well done!
good game you have alot of mech I would have liked a longer walk home the subtle jump scares work excellent
watch here
I enjoyed this game!
this was really fun, was not expecting it to get super dark like that. keep up the great work familia!
baci oko na video,baci like i razvali subscribe,hvala unaprijed ljudio PS. Nadam se da vam se svida video
Drop an eye on gameplay hit that like and sub
hope you like the video and yeah developers good game aswell!
Thank you so much for playing the game, and a huge thank you for leaving some constructive feedback! it really helps on my journey of making better games! the video is great so keep up your good work too!
Really enjoyed the atmosphere and songs in the game! I would love to see you update and improve this further. Would definitely pay for a more polished version with a fleshed-out plot.
thank you so much for playing and the video, as much as it would be fun to polish it and make it look as good as it possibly can, I wanna take this experience further and create even better newer games in the future, thank you for the video and comment! keep up your great wor
The game is really simple but i had fun with it (played last)
thank you a lot for playing, glad you enjoyed it, even with it's short length
Its a pretty cool game. Unfortunately i only got one ending because i didnt have enough time to get the other 2. Keep up the good work!
it's ok that you didn't get enough time, glad you thought it was good, and thank you for the video!
I really enjoyed playing this game! The mechanics are unique and with a little polish I can see this becoming an amazing experience! Can't wait to see more from you!
you will definitely see more projects from me in the future, thank you for the video and the comment! c:
Really enjoyed the gameplay but could only get ending 2/3 at the moment. Very creepy experience!
Loved this game, but it was a journey to get the 3rd ending, lol!!!! Hoping you're planning to do more for this story!!! It left me with so many questions!!!!
My play through with all 3 endings (first video) is below, in case anyone is interested. The second video is my first attempt, but only with ending 2 of 3.
two videos on this one little silly game? im honored! its amazing seeing you dig in-depth trying to figure this puzzle out, and it was really entertaining watching too! keep up the good work!